Wednesday, 7 January 2015

The Photography Couple

Common the world over, the photography couple can be seen in particular proliferation around sights of great beauty or cultural significance. As with many creatures in the wild, the male of the species usually has the most impressive display. He is often equipped with a complicated looking backpack featuring many different compartments and straps and will always be seen with a large, expensive camera body and several accompanying lenses. In most, but not all, cases, the male will also carry a tripod with which to mark its territory. His call is rarely heard, though if someone happens to walk through his shot, his grunts can become aggressive, especially if that person is in possession of a selfie stick.

The female in this couple is usually less flamboyantly adorned, often carrying only a small point and shoot camera or a smart phone. Occasionally, the female will have slightly more sophisticated gear, perhaps a camera with two interchangeable lenses. The calls of the female are more common, typically consisting of 'It's bloody freezing out here!' or 'I'm going back to the car!', always directed at her male partner, though whether or not he hears is a matter of academic debate since he rarely responds.

It is also interesting to note that the movement patterns of this couple are quite distinct. While the male will set up his tripod and stay static, sometimes for long periods, the female is more likely to be seen roaming, snapping pictures of random greenery and interesting looking logs. It seems that the female's behaviour is directly related to that of the male, as it has been observed that when the male moves, the female will generally follow to the next spot the male picks to settle. The photography couple is active from well before sunrise to after sunset each day, though the female can be sluggish in the early morning and late evening.

Included are some photos of the male of the photography couple in his natural habitat. Photos of the female of this species are rare, unless she is a part of the 'selfie' sub-species.

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